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House Painting

Exterior Painting

Attention to Detail

Since its founding, A+ Pro Painting & Services has been one of the most trusted names in the business. Hire us for this service and learn how we cater to the needs of each client, ensuring the results you need and quality you deserve.

Exterior Painting: Services

Steps For Exterior


All exterior of homes have dirt, mildew, some times it hard to see. That s why A plus pro painting makes sure all exterior jobs get a mildew bath treatment  and power wash before painting. 


Any loose paint will be scrape off so the paint adheres correctly and will last longer. All loose boards will be nailed down to ensure it wont come loose again. A plus pro painting handles most wood repairs and stucco repairs.


A plus pro painting we believes in using oil base primer for all exterior jobs.

Spot prime any bare wood and new wood. oil base primer seal and bonds very well also seal any water stains.


Caulking is very important to caulk all joint, seams to ensure a tight seal and prevent any moisture get behind the wood. We use a 50 yr. caulking and also recaulk entire exterior 100%


A plus pro painting uses top quality paint and materials. We believe in using the best paints, thats why we use SHERWIN WILLIAMS

                                                                                       Five  YEAR WARRANTY

Exterior Painting: Welcome
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